
Dear members

We are announcing some changes to our ARRP program to make it more secure and sustainable. The changes will not come into effect immediately as they need some coding at the backend, but we will need to temporarily disable the ARRP program, to be able to apply and test the changes.

When will this happen? We will put a temporary hold on the ARRP program starting from Sunday 6 December 2020. We will announce when the updated system is ready and activated.

Why are we making the changes? The ARRP program has not only been an attractive and successful program for many of our genuine members, but also very eye-catching for many cheaters who have unfortunately been trying to abuse the system. We have noticed that many low-quality users have been referred to the system by some referrers solely for the purpose of gaining in the ARRP program.

This is not going to be sustainable in the long term as we can see many users joining without even verifying their email address, while they are being counted in the ARRP program. There are similar situations with some other users who might have logged in for a few seconds, but have never come back or done anything on the website, who again are counted in the ARRP statistics.

What will be the changes? In the new ARRP program, we will be adding some new rules (with more security measures) to prevent such issues and have a more robust system which will be more stable in the long run.

We will be reviewing the behaviour of the referrals, their activities and their sources.

As a result, you may notice in your profile that some of your referrals are being excluded from the ARRP counts. This will be to ensure that ARRP prizes are given based on introducing genuine users and not inactive users, bots or any other kinds of unfair methods.

Have a wonderful day
Team GraB.TC

Views: 43,611 | Comments: 0 | Date: 02 Dec 2020 16:42